T O P  M O D A  S I Z E  R U N S

Depending on the style, the Top Moda brand carries lady's US sizes 5 through size 11. Please refer to the below chart to see which size run contains how many of each size.

Top Moda - Lady's Size Run Guide - Women's Case Pack Size Breakdown

L U C K Y  T O P  +  M I N I  M O D A  S I Z E  R U N S

The Mini Moda brand carries toddlers' US sizes 4 through 8.

The Lucky Top brand carries big kids' US sizes 9 through 4.

All kids case packs contain 18 pairs. Please refer to the below chart to see which size run contains how many of each size.

Lucky Top and Mini Moda Size Guidlines - Kids and Toddles Case Pack Size Breakdown